



Podcast/Vidcast Users Rejoice! PlayListMrg .3 Released

November 16th, 2006 Jason Dunn

“In my several previous posts, I expressed how using Podcast has becomes my favorite hobby…Unlike for Apple/iPod/iTunes, which offers a very easy way to select, subscribe and auto-download Podcast/Vidcast to the iPod using the iTunes Portal..Unfortunately, Microsoft completely misses this popular option even on the latest WMP11 - Read HERE - On Windows Mobile Devices, all the pieces are there, but there is no easy way to have a seamless solutions… There are essentially 3 parts of the process: (there are solutions such Hubdog, FeederReader, IFeedYou that can collapse into 1 step and completely PC-free, if you have high speed WM device - For the average users, I think the approach describbed here is more straight forward, intuitive…).”


The blog published an article a few months ago about to to find, manage, and play back podcast/vidcast content on your Windows Mobill devices. It’s worth a read if you’ve been wondering what the easiest way to accomplish this is.

WinMobile Torrent 2.1 Released

November 8th, 2006 Jason Dunn

“WinMobile Torrent is an advanced yet easy-to-use BitTorrent client for Windows Mobile Pocket PC OS. It allows you to create, leech and/or seed torrent files from within the Application. It supports multiple and simultaneous download of torrents with numerous functions to manage, control downloads and peers in a user-friendly interface. WinMobile Torrent is the first BitTorrent client for Windows Mobile Pocket PC that brings all the cool things to you, wherever, whatever and whenever you want them. The capability is unlimited.”


There are some things you can do on a Windows Mobile device that fall into the “sure you CAN do it, but why would you want to?”. A Bittorent client is one of those things: this release from Adisasta Software looks impressive in terms of features, but the battery drain of leaving your Pocket PC powered on with WiFi running long enough to download a distributed file would seem to negate the usefulness of this application under most circumstances. Still, it’s impressive to see software like this developed, and there may be scenarios where your Windows Mobile device is your only way of getting a file from a torrent…in which case this software would be perfect!


Gear Diary Looks at Ultimate Ears Headphones

October 30th, 2006 Jason Dunn

“While at Mobius, Jenneth and I were both presented with a set of Ultimate Ears 5 Pro Earphones. It seemed redundant to write separate reviews about the same product, so we decided to combine forces and write a dually to post on both our sites - we’re trying something new! For reference: My remarks will be in the regular page colors, and Jenneth’s will be in blue and italicized.** Just because you have the finest digital music player that money can buy doesn’t mean that it will sound all that better if you are still using the basic earbuds it shipped with. That’s assuming you can even get the OEM earbuds to stay in your ear!”


I figured that since I just posted my own review of these headphones, it would be worthwhile to link to another opinion on them - Gear Diary has a cool two-person review that has a lot of photographs and details that my review didn’t have. Check it out!

Gomadic Double Chargers With Tip Exchange Technology Review

October 26th, 2006 Jason Dunn

“Over the last year I have grown incredibly spoiled when I travel because I no longer need to pack a tangle of “spaghetti”; instead, I bring along a set of Gomadic Charging Cables. The same single cable charges my PDA, mobile phone and digital music player. It can charge Steve’s phone, Sarah’s phone, and Sarah’s digital music player, too; all it takes is the proper tip for each particular device. For those unfamiliar with Gomadic, I’ll state the premise in a nutshell: They sell cables with plugs on their ends which will accept their specially made tips; these tips fit many of today’s popular consumer mobile devices. Gomadic’s “Tip Exchange Technology” means that the same cable can be used for years - and as devices are added to the user’s collection, new tips can be purchased to swap out with the old.”


We all deal with battery life issues (check out my review of this big laptop battery) with our Windows Mobile devices, and coming up with a system to always keep things charged up and ready to go can be challenging. USB-based sync and charge cables help greatly, but what if you have devices that all require different heads? This system that Judie reviewed looks like it solves that problem - I’ll have to look into it more carefully…in the meantime, check out Judie’s excellent review!


Ultimate Ears Headphones

October 23rd, 2006 Jason Dunn

Headphones are one of the most important parts of any music listening experience – together with the audio player itself and the quality of the encoded music – but most digital audio players come with extremely cheap headphones. Perhaps it’s because the manufacturers know the first thing many people do is discard included headphones, and thus they don’t want to invest any significant money in the bundled headphones. Or, perhaps it’s because quality headphones cost money (which would raise the cost of the overall product), and a good portion of the public doesn’t know how good music can really sound with great headphones. Regardless of the reason why bundled headphones are usually of poor quality, if you’re still using the standard headphones that came with your Windows Mobile Pocket PC or Smartphone, your music isn’t sounding as good as it should.

The Ultimate Ears 3 Studio headphones

In my search for headphones to review, I came across Ultimate Ears – they’re a company that has historically made custom stage performance headphones for professional musicians, and have recently taken that core technology and brought it down-stream to a line of consumer products. With the likes of Metallica and Third Day (check out the complete list) using their professional products, it boded well for the quality of their consumer products, so I was looking forward to checking out what they had to offer. I had initially wanted to look at the Creative Zen Aurvana headphones, but repeated requests for a pair were declined or ignored, so I looked elsewhere. Am I ever glad I did! (more…)


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