My talented friend Nate Northridge (Northridge Photography) had an idea for a fun photo shoot with Logan, and it happened to coincide with a project that I needed a photo just like this for…so this is the result. This is a trial run of the idea…the mosquitoes were brutal so it was a bit rushed. The photos are adorable though, aren’t they? 🙂
Tag: Logan
Logan’s First Birthday: What Fun!
On August 16th we had a very special day, celebrating Logan’s first birthday! Friends and family from all over came to help us celebrate this special day – and no, we didn’t spend $4000 and hire an actor to come to the party (read this blog post if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
A Revelstoke, BC, Wedding
In mid-August we went out to Revelstoke, BC, for the wedding of Ashley’s Cousin Jeff Honig (a talented mountain guide) to his fiancĂ©e Stephanie China. It was a quick weekend mini-trip, but we managed to create some fun memories along the way. Here are a few pictures.

Logan’s First Calgary Stampede
After Logan’s first Stampede Breakfast, it was time for his first Stampede two days later. I just had to snap a few photos of him in Ashley’s cowboy boots and hat. How cute is this kid? We went to the Stampede and Logan spent most of the time in mute amazement at all the bright and colourful things he saw.
Logan’s First Hair Cut
Just when I thought that my boy couldn’t get any cuter, he went for his first hair cut (at a place called Beaners), and came back looking even more adorable! I can’t get over how fast he’s growing up – it seems like just a month ago he was still a little baby, but now he looks like a little boy. All those cliches about time passing so fast are quite true. I feel so very blessed to be able to work from home and get extra moments with my son throughout the day – something not very many dads get to do. My hope for 2010/2011 is that will be able to continue.
Logan’s Assisted Walking
At nine months, Logan can’t quite crawl yet…he does the worm though, and is getting quite good at it -I like to call it the WORMINATOR because he drags himself along using only his upper body, just like the Terminator did when it had it’s lower torso crushed. I digress…boy does Logan love to walk with help! About three weeks ago he was taking some tiny steps, and when I shot this video yesterday, he’s practically running…
Our Little Super Logan!
Logan’s First Visit to the Calgary Zoo
This past weekend we had a chance to go to the Calgary Zoo, which would be Logan’s first visit to the zoo, and my first opportunity to really test out my new 70-200mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens. It was a lot of fun!
Logan’s First Solid Food: What Fun We Had!
A couple of days ago we introduced Logan to solid food for the first time, and I snapped some great pictures of the experience. He’s still pretty iffy on this funny tasting stuff, but each day he seems to be swallowing more of it. Check out the full gallery here. I confess I had a hard time culling the set of photos, so some are very similar, but I figure 23 photos isn’t a ridiculous number…
When Parental Photography Goes Too Far?
My friend Jon wanted to poke fun at the way I was documenting Logan’s first months at home with monthly photo albums, so he sent me the above image…don’t worry Jon, I don’t think I’ll still be taking monthly photos of Logan when he’s that old.