Earlier this year, I started noticing some very strange ads showing up in my Google phone feed. The ad copy and the images were odd at best, nonsensical at worst. The images and copy made zero sense together. I wish I’d captured more of them!
My working theory is that this was an early attempt at GenAI-based ad copy + image creation. It didn’t last very long, perhaps a few weeks, so either the technology got dramatically better, or they pulled the plug and re-introduced human curation of the ads. I suspect the latter. Either way, I did manage to capture these amusing examples, so enjoy GenAI Ads Gone Wild…
This appears to be a from-the-future Miley Cyrus who is slightly irked she did not follow Lendgo’s “genius” tricks.

This woman is looking very stern in a court room. Did she borrow from a bank and they took her to court?

What exactly do USB-C docking stations have to with Women’s Day? Are these deadly hubs worthy of the “Femme Fatale” moniker?

I don’t think the people at Melo Air understand how caffeine impacts most people. It does not tend to make them sleepy…

Unless this is an arm-shaped pillow that also touches you inappropriately, I don’t understand what this ad is promoting.

Wait, why do silk pajamas need amino acids?!?