All Expedia Sites Are Not Created Equal: Do Your Travel Research

This is an oldie, but a goodie: I’ve had these screen shots kicking around my hard drive for a few years (one of the many draft posts that were stuck in my own head). I was booking a trip to India when I first started at HTC, and my first stop was The price tag? A staggering $5196 Canadian (and this for coach class):


Below is the same trip as booked from, and it’s 52% LESS EXPENSIVE for the same flights on the same dates! There’s a slight exchange rate to factor in there, but not much of one. If ever there was proof how expensive it is to book things from Canada, here’s the sticker shock to prove it!


Blockless Ad Blocker: The FAQ They Missed

Yes, I’m kind of a smart-ass sometimes, but this is really how I feel about ad-blockers. Despite how much I like Blockless (DNS trickery is so much cleaner than a full-blown VPN solution), I won’t be paying for their service. As someone who once made a living off providing content for free, and supported his family off of advertising, I know that ad blocking is theft. It’s just a theft that most people can’t wrap their brains around because there’s no real-world equivalent.


UPDATE: To their credit, the community manager at Blockless replied to my email: “As a professional who has sold advertising for over 5 years, currently uses advertising and manages many affiliates of Blockless I have to disagree. Either way you are entitled to your opinion and not sure if you noticed but Ad Blocker does have an off button. Let me know the email attached to your account and I will cancel and unsubscribe you from our service.” If he was on the publisher side, he’d get it.

WordPress JetPack Annual Report Shames Me

As if I didn’t already realize how little I wrote here in 2014, the very cool WordPress JetPack plugin/service sent out an email showing me exactly how little…2015 is going to have a lot more green boxes!


Why am I scared to blog?

I finished reading Seth Godin’s excellent Linchpin book recently, and I’ve been reading Steven Pressfield’s War of Art. Both books talk about the Resistance. The Resistance has been beating the hell out of me when it comes to blogging here on my site. I have at least ten draft posts that I’ve started – things that I’ve want to write about for months – but I haven’t finished any of them. Here’s Pressfield on overcoming the Resistance:

Why haven’t I been writing? I used to think of myself as a writer – I wrote tech reviews, tech books, and generally spoke up about whatever I was passionate about. Writing comes fairly easily to me. When I started my job at HTC, that all went away. The job was all-consuming, and along with the adjustment of living in a new country (and a second kid), I didn’t have it in me to write from a time or energy perspective. Since leaving HTC though and moving to AT&T, I’ve achieved a better work/life balance and I have both the time and energy to write…if I really wanted to.

What’s been stopping me? There’s that saying that if you name your fears, you’ll gain some power over them. So here’s why I think I haven’t been blogging, written in the form of what the Resistance has been whispering to me:

  • You don’t have a platform of significance to speak from anymore
  • You don’t have a tech site or real community any more, so no one will read what you have to say anyway
  • You’re a has-been in the tech world, so why would anyone care what you have to say about tech?
  • You have nothing worth saying about topics beyond tech anyway, so why bother?
  • You don’t have time; there’s that TV show you wanted to watch, that book you wanted to read, those photos you wanted to edit…

To all of the above reasons, and to the Resistance, I say…shut up! I’m going to blog anyway, about whatever I want. I don’t do it for the approval of others; I do it for myself and to contribute small pieces of knowledge and understanding to the world. Head down, pushing forward, I’m going to blog.

What has the Resistance been saying to you?

Three Years Ago Today We Came to America…

Coming To America

Three years ago today, my wife, my son, and my dog, came to America. Every time I think of that statement – “Coming to America” – the same two things pop into my head. Eddie Murphey’s hilarious movie – it was hilarious when I was in my teens at any rate – and Neil Diamond singing “America”, the opening line of which is “Far…we’ve been traveling far, without a home, but not without a star”. So that’s why you’re looking at the epic graphic above. You’re welcome.

There are a lot of things I can say about the past three years, but given this my first blog post in five months, to say I’m rusty at blogging is an understatement. I’m going to keep this simple.

My wife and I grew up in Calgary and spent all our our lives there. We never thought we’d leave. A plan for our lives (His plan) began to unfold that presented us with a choice: stay “safe” or take a risk and “Come to America”. That decision – one of the most important we’ve ever made – put us on a path of personal growth, happiness, and prosperity unlike anything we could have expected. It was a pivotal moment in our lives, and one that we are truly happy we made. It changed everything, all of it ultimately good. We are blessed beyond measure.

Three years in, what I can say is this: if you’re ever presented an opportunity to take a leap into the unknown, to step outside your known world into into something new, take it.

Over to you Neil…

Off to a New Adventure: I’ve Left HTC & Joined AT&T

 (It’s funny how you can start a blog post with the best of intentions to publish it immediately, then four weeks later it’s still sitting in your drafts folder…time to pull the trigger!)

In the instantly-connected world of social media, it seems like a curious thing to announce a big change on a blog (how very 2008 of me!), but I felt like I wanted to make it official beyond the realm of 140 characters. On April 11th I finished my time at HTC, after 2 years and 8 months at the company. It was an amazing opportunity for me; I learned and grew so much in that role. HTC is an amazing company with tremendous innovation and passion, and I’m deeply grateful to all my co-workers for making my time there so special. As Proverbs 27 says, “iron sharpens iron”. I worked with some smart, highly skilled people and I had to push myself to keep up with them. I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn something new every day.

Being a fan of HTC before working there, I remain one today, and will always bleed green!

Having the opportunity to create and run a world-class VIP fan community, HTC elevate, was the proudest moment of my career thus far. Envisioning, creating, then leading a community of like-minded people was truly a dream job and I’m eternally grateful to my first manager, John Starkweather, for giving me the opportunity. I deeply respect HTC as a company, so I won’t fully explain my reasons for leaving in public, but I will say it was related to me being a Canadian working in the USA and not receiving what I needed to stay with the company long-term. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions to protect your family’s well-being, and this was one of those situations. An opportunity came along that would allow me to do that, and to work with John again, so I took it.

So where am I now? In case you missed the headline, let me make it obvious with a giant logo:


I’ve accepted a role with the AT&T small business team in Bothell, WA. I went from being self-employed to working for HTC, which seemed to me like a “big corporation” at the time (with some 17,000 employees), and now I’m at a company with over 250,000 employees.  It’s been an interesting adjustment to say the least; things I assumed were normal from my time at HTC are most definitely not the norm at AT&T, so every day I’m learning and adjusting to my new surroundings.

I’m doing a different sort of work than I was at HTC, which is adding to my career toolkit and working some new mental muscles. I was hired as a community manager, but since there’s no community just yet on this new project, I’m getting to project manage, direct developers, evaluate UI/UX, coordinate events, and use my technical chops to assist the team I’ve joined. I’m really enjoying it, and while I miss HTC and my elevate community, I’m all-in on this new role and am looking forward to the future!

Criminal Charges Laid in Concrete Equities Investment Scheme

I’ve been waiting for this moment to arrive for a very long time – Canada’s criminal justice system is finally going after some of the individuals involved in stealing millions of dollars from investors:

“Mounties have charged two men in fraud scheme that allegedly bilked Canadian investors out of $23 million…Mounties have charged David Nelson Humeniuk and Varun Aurora with three counts of fraud over $5,000 and one count of theft over $5,000. Humeniuk alone is also charged with one count of theft and money laundering for taking $1 million of investors’ money for his personal use. The St. Albert man was arrested and released on a promise to appear in a Calgary court on Feb. 27. A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for the arrest of Aurora, who also goes by the name “Vinny.””

Here’s the full story over on the Calgary Sun, and a short news clip:

Varun "Vinny" Aurora Wanted by Police

I wonder if any of the other ex-Concrete Equities people will be next?


I’m Not Quite Dead Yet…

At some point last year I realized I hadn’t posted a single blog entry in a long time…then the rest of 2013 passed. So here I am in 2014, with the sad realization that for the first time since 2006 a whole year went by without a single blog post here. Life has been intense, but I didn’t want to be thinking about the same excuses this time in 2015. So back to the occasional blogging!

Concrete Equities PDF Documents

Clearing out some old Evernote folders, I wanted to publish these Concrete Equities-related documents for search engines to index.

SEARCHABLE-PDF-Dave Humeniuk Statement of Defence Aug 28

PDF-Dave Humeniuk Statement of Defence Aug 28

SEARCHABLE-PDF-Aug 21 Statement of Claim and Affidavit

PDF-Aug 21 Statement of Claim and Affidavit

Letter to El Golfo Investor, dated November 2, 2010

E & Y Feb 16, 2011 Letter to Mexico Investors

Basi Affidavit v5 (Filed May 26, 2010)

Dave Jones’ Wealthstreet Dragon Fund Now Worthless

Since a few people email me every month asking if I know anything about the status of the Dragon Fund, I thought it would be helpful if I published this letter I received from Olympia Trust Company last month. It officially declares that the Dragon Fund is defunct and worthless. If you need the documents required to remove this investment from your account, please contact Olympia Trust Company at 1-877-565-0001.
