I Couldn’t Resist Any Longer…First 2407WFP Set Up


I’m still waiting for the Velocity Micro PC, and the XFX video card, so I haven’t set up my three 24″ LCD monitors yet…but today I just got sick of typing on my laptop (and having the twin hard drives heat up my hands) so I set up one monitor with the laptop. It’s…BIG. And very nice – even over VGA (which surprises me a little).

Microsoft Timeline of Operating System & Office Suite Launches

This is one of those things I’m posting for the sake of having it archived – I found it on this USA Today article about Vista.

Date Event
Aug. 12, 1981 IBM introduces its personal computer with Microsoft’s 16-bit operating system, MS-DOS 1.0
Aug. 1, 1989 Office suite launched
May 22, 1990 Windows 3.0 launched
Aug. 24, 1995 Windows 95 launched
June 25, 1998 Windows 98 launched
Feb. 17, 2000 Windows 2000 launched
May 31, 2001 Office XP launched
Oct. 25, 2001 Windows XP launched
Nov. 30, 2006 Windows Vista made available to businesses
Jan. 30, 2007 Windows Vista made available to consumers

Free Windows & Office Programs from Microsoft

A fellow by the name of Blake Handler seems to have a lot of time on his hands – he created a directory linking to over 150 Windows and Office programs available from Microsoft. Some of the free goodies include:

  • Alt-Tab Replacement in addition to the icon of the application window you are switching to, you see a preview of the page.
  • Calculator Plus also performs many types of conversions.
  • ConferenceXP enables you to see & hear others in a virtual collaborative space, called a venue. You collaborate on an electronic whiteboard or PowerPoint presentation, send messages and more.
  • FolderShare keeps important files at your fingertips – anywhere. All file changes are automatically synchronized between linked computers, so you always access the latest files.
  • GroupBar desktop tool offers enhanced window management capabilities in a taskbar-like setting. Through simple drag-and-drop operations on window tiles within the bar, users can create lightweight, transient grouping relationships that allow them to perform certain higher-level window layout functions on multiple windows at once.

Check out the site for more.

My Dell Monitor Quest is Over


Know what that’s a picture of? Three absolutely flawless Dell 2407WFP, 24″ LCD monitors. Each capable of glorious 1920 x 1200 resolution, and all three are perfect with no dead or stuck pixels. I received two of them yesterday, and quite frankly after my completely hellish experience with these monitors, when I un-boxed the two new ones yesterday I was expecting them to also be flawed. Somehow though, as I carefully set each one up, I had a small glimmer of hope that because they took so long to get here (about two weeks) maybe they came from the non-crappy factory. I powered up each one, ran some full-screen dead pixel tests, along with a colour banding test, and each was flawless. FLAWESS. I’m so happy this insane quest is finally done.

Sadly, I don’t have anything to connect them to yet – I’m still waiting for the Velocity Micro system to come back to me, and ditto for my XFX 7600GS for the Shuttle, so I can’t run dual monitors on that unit yet either. I’m hoping that by the end of the week all the pieces will have arrived and I can put my technology world back together again.

Now just you watch – in a month I bet all three Dell monitors will spontaneously die on me. 😆

Today is Hardware Day

Wow. In the span of 20 minutes, my 72″ Toshiba DLP TV was delivered, two new Dell 24″ LCD monitors arrived, and my repaired/replaced (not sure which yet) Shuttle SD11G5 was also returned. My geek head is spinning – I’m not sure which one to set up first. 🙂

Product Placement: It Will Be Big in 2007


Marketing people have been saying that product placement is the next “big thing” in advertising, but up until recently it’s been fairly subtle in most instances. Sure, there are the blatantly obvious “pass me a can of Coke” shots in TVs and movies, but most of the things I’ve seen have been noticing a Dell logo as the camera passes an LCD monitor in a CSI episode, or seeing a brief glimpse of a Nikon logo as the characters use the camera to take pictures (also in CSI). The image above was taken from a recent episode of Smallville, and it was probably the most blatant product placement I’d seen in years. The camera must have stayed on that shot of the Sprint logo & phone for a good two seconds – far longer than the user needed to grasp that it was Chloe that was calling. Is this the future of advertising? Some would say yes – we live in the era of the PVR and Tivo, where commercials are irritating distractions that we all want to skip past (I fall into this camp – I loathe real-time TV now). Advertising is what pays for most of the shows we want to watch however, so eventually there’s going to be a fall-out with advertisers who know no one is watching their ads. Until that happens, there will continue to be experiments with product and brand promotions inside our TV and movie content. How bad will it get before we start to feel like we’re watching one long commercial? That’s a topic for another day…

The Best Banana I Ever Ate

I just finished eating a banana, and it was the best one I’d ever eaten. Why? I just finished a 72 hour fast. Prior to tonight (Sunday night) I haven’t eaten any food since Thursday night. Why the fast? Primarily for detoxification purposes and to stabilize my digestive system – I have a lot of gastric issues, with all sorts of foods bothering me, and sometimes it’s nice to punch the reset button on my body. Water fasting is my fast of choice – people who fast without water are in for some serious suffering. I’ve been experimenting with fasting over the past year, and the physiological responses my body undergoes is very interesting. As long as I keep a sufficient level of water in my body, going without food is surprisingly easy. Sure, there are some hunger pangs, but for the most part it’s not difficult for me to fast. On day one and day two of a fast, I find that I’m more mentally alert and can think very clearly. Dropping from 204.5 pounds down to 197.5 pounds is just a side benefit.
I’d like to write a longer entry on fasting at some point, but I have to get an article finished for the Two Inch View before I can eat my first real meal in three days. Mmm. Food.

Amazing Spam Volume


I’ve owned the kensai.com domain for a very long time – since 1997 – and early on no one knew it wasn’t a good idea to put email addresses in plain text on a Web site, postings in Usenet forums, or sign up for newsletters and forums with your real email address. This was before the era of spam harvesting bots. Over the years the level of spam got to be so high I changed my real email address from [email protected] to [email protected]…but even that wasn’t enough to stop all the spam to the domain. The domain is so old it’s practically “spam tainted”. About a month ago I set up the domain email to forward all email to a Gmail account…and the screen shot above is showing how much spam has flooded in over the past month or so. 129,000+ messages…! What’s amazing is that 99.9999% of it is spam, and this shows that Google’s spam blocking is having a hard time with it seeing as 25% of the messages are still in the Inbox and not the spam folder. Overall I’ve found Gmail’s spam filtering to be quite good, although perhaps in this case it’s just given up. 😉

TV Worth Watching: Battlestar Galactica


“The Cylons were created by the people of the Twelve Colonies. Intelligent robots, they were used as slaves and soldiers to fight humanity’s wars. But the Cylons became sentient and they rebelled. Man and machine fought to a bloody stalemate, then the Cylons withdrew to a remote region of space. A truce between the Twelve Colonies and the Cylons lasted for 40 tense and silent years. Each year, on the anniversary of the treaty-signing, humanity sent an envoy to the neutral ground of Armistice Station to meet with a Cylon envoy. For 39 years, no Cylon envoy came. Then, on the 40th anniversary, a stunning blonde — a Cylon in human form — met the human envoy … moments before the Cylons vaporized the station and launched a genocidal attack on the Twelve Colonies. In one devastating day, billions of human lives were consumed by nuclear fires. Only those souls fortunate enough to be aboard starships were able to band together and escape and flee into deep space, led by the sole surviving Colonial warship, the battlestar Galactica…”


Every so often, there’s a TV show that comes along the accomplishes it’s task better than almost any show before it and sets a new high-bar for quality. These are the shows that people will remember 30 years from now. The Sopranos, ER, The Simpsons – shows that, for better or worse, make an impact and stay with you. Battlestar Galactica is an unlikely entry in the pantheon of such shows, but it’s a TV unlike any other I’ve seen and is executed upon so masterfully I’m honestly in awe of Ron Moore and his team.

It’s easy to see a trailer of Battlestar Galactica and think “Oh, it’s a Star Trek-type show in space” and think that’s the end of it. Battlestar is, at it’s heart, a drama about people – it just happens to be set in space. The best shows are always like that – they focus on the people, the characters, and the sci-fi action is merely the backdrop for the events that propel the characters to evolve and adapt. The show is gritty, harsh, and all too real. When you’re watching it, you can very easily believe it’s a documentary – the acting is convincing, and the characters are all flawed, just like everyone in real life. Regardless of whether or not you enjoy sci-fi TV shows, I’d urge you to watch (on DVD) the four-hour mini-series that started the whole thing. If you enjoy that, you’ll enjoy Battlestar Galactica.

Why is it so Hard to Find Good TV Reviews Online?

Here’s the backstory on why I’m looking at new TVs. This post is a rant about why it’s so hard to find reviews of big screen TVs. I suppose from a PR/marketing standpoint I know how difficult it would be to freight-ship a 72″ TV to a review site, let them keep it for a month, then arrange to get it back. Much pain. But, still, as a consumer I want to read more than just marketing fluff. If I do a specific search for “toshiba 72MX196 review”, I get only one result, a completely useless entry over at Digital Trends. If I remove the quotes, I get far more results. But are any of them quality? Let’s take a look at the “review” posted on the Yahoo page:

“i have never owned a tv that is bigger than 32 inches and i want my first one to be at least 90 inches, not only is this tv to small but it doesnt even hook up to my hairdyer. i know what i am talking about because i have a pHd in male nursing from rhode island tech new jersey state located in oregon. another con is when i am trying to cook my curi in it i cant seem to make it work, it has also become covered in wierd food substance and my friends say the picture isnt as clear anymore. that is all.” 

Great, that was super helpful. Oh look, here’s another review from the Amazon.com page:

“all i can say after my research whuich was very thorough, it came down to toshiba and mitsubishi the samsung was good but not there the toshiba came ot on top vivd colours wow sharp and crisp is what you want this has it all its a must see in person buy this tv you wont be disappointed dont be fooled if you buy this toshiba make surew its the cinema series pro edition makes a big difference 72MX196”

Slightly more useful, but not terribly intelligible. Looks like AVS Forum is my only good source of information.