Looking for a Good HTML Editor

After watching Microsoft’s new Expression Web software completely MANGLE and DESTROY a perfectly good PHP file (it was trying to be “helpful” by re-mapping the CSS code), I’m not going to touch it again. Ever. I really thought Microsoft had learned their lesson after the FrontPage debacle, but it seems they haven’t. I’m looking for a good HTML editor: I prefer something with a visual preview, but at this point it’s not necessary. It should be Vista-compatible, fast, light, and while free is great, I’m willing to pay a few bucks for something good. No one say Dreamweaver, I don’t edit enough HTML pages to warrant a tool like that. Any suggestions?

5 thoughts on “Looking for a Good HTML Editor”

  1. I HIGHLY recommend the html editors by Blumentals Software. I’m a professional web designer and I exclusively use their HTMLpad program, but they other more feature rich ones if you need it (RapidPHP for more feature rich php and html/css editing).

    They have a 30day free trial of all their software so you should check them out.


  2. Hi Jason

    Because you save my life with your trick about Flash issue with vista, let me help you.

    try http://www.kompozer.net/ this is the last version of NVU html editor. It based on mozilla Xul. It works on vista, it’s free and morevall it does not need to be installed.



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