True Knowledge

A great quote applicable to every part of our daily life:
“We are prisoners of our own experience…it’s very, very difficult to dispel ignorance if you retain arrogance.”
– Sam Wilson, US Army (retired)
From “The Vietnam War” documentary series by Ken Burns & Lynn Novick.
“A king who is not a servant is merely a tyrant.
A warrior who is not tender is only a brute.
A mentor who is not wise is just a know-it-all.
A friend who is not faithful is at best an acquaintance,
or worse, a betrayer.”
– Stu Webber
“The thing about responsibility is that it’s most effectively taken, not given.”
– Seth Godin
“A husband and wife must operate like two wings on the same bird; if they don’t work together in full partnership, the marriage will never get off the ground.”
– Dave Willis, “The Seven Laws of Love”
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
– Albert Einstein
“Credit cards are like chainsaws: the more of them you juggle, the greater the odds you’ll lose a financial limb.”
– Anonymous
“Your first paycheck, and every one after that, is what you save part of in order to prepare for life after your last paycheck.”
– Anonymous