I had the privilege of capturing some of what goes in my home church, RockPointe, on any given Sunday at the Bearspaw site. Children’s ministry, worship, fellowship, and teaching are a core part of what happens every weekend. If you live in the Calgary area, I invite you to come check us out one weekend at any of the four sites we have.
Category: Photography
Logan’s First Birthday: What Fun!
On August 16th we had a very special day, celebrating Logan’s first birthday! Friends and family from all over came to help us celebrate this special day – and no, we didn’t spend $4000 and hire an actor to come to the party (read this blog post if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
A Revelstoke, BC, Wedding
In mid-August we went out to Revelstoke, BC, for the wedding of Ashley’s Cousin Jeff Honig (a talented mountain guide) to his fiancée Stephanie China. It was a quick weekend mini-trip, but we managed to create some fun memories along the way. Here are a few pictures.

Logan’s First Calgary Stampede
After Logan’s first Stampede Breakfast, it was time for his first Stampede two days later. I just had to snap a few photos of him in Ashley’s cowboy boots and hat. How cute is this kid? We went to the Stampede and Logan spent most of the time in mute amazement at all the bright and colourful things he saw.
Logan’s First Stampede Breakfast
It’s been an eternity since I’ve updated my blog with photos, so this set from Logan’s first Stampede breakfast kicks off a few updates I’ll be doing today.
The Wedding Slideshow: Brent & Rowena
I whipped up a photo slideshow of the recent wedding photos I took of my friends Brent and Rowena, and it turned out pretty good (make sure to go full screen and click the HD button if you watch it – the regular version looks sorta’ bad). The music is “To Show You My Love” by Mike Schmidt from the album The High Cost of Living (A Love Story). Slideshow created in Proshow Producer.
Logan’s Growing Up So Fast…
Tiny Bubbles, Floating In My…Air?
Brent Sellers & Rowena’s Hennink’s Wedding Photos
On June 19th, 2010, we were honoured to attend the wedding of our friend Rowena Hennink to Brent Sellers in Kaleden, BC, on June 19th, 2010. It was a great wedding! Although the breathtakingly talented dynamic duo, Dave & Quin, were there shooting as the official wedding photographers, I still wanted to snap a few pictures for myself. I figured this was a good opportunity to field test a Tenba Messenger Photo Bag I had been sent for review months earlier, so I lugged along my Nikon D300 with a battery grip, 70-200mm Nikkor lens, 24-70mm Nikkor lens, 35mm Nikkor prime lens, Panasonic GF-1, Dell Vostro V13 laptop…and a few other small things. The review of that bag is coming soon to Laptop Thoughts and Digital Home Thoughts. But back to the wedding…
Sort of funny story: on our way there, we used my GPS to find the town (village? hamlet?) of Kaleden. It was easy enough to locate, but the wedding was being held at a place called Ponderosa Point, and that place wasn’t on the GPS. We didn’t get any directions before going there, and there were no signs, but figured since it was such a small place, and we knew it was on the water, we wouldn’t have any trouble finding it. Was that ever a mistake! When we drove up to the waterfront area, there were a bunch of cars parked, so I got out to see if it was the place. An elderly lady said there was a wedding going on nearby, so I walked around the corner to check. There was a tall man in red and orange robes raising his hands and talking about the blessings of the sun, the love of Mother Earth, etc. – surrounded by a bunch of people. It was a wedding – of sorts – all right, but not the one I was looking for! We drove up and down the waterfront area, eventually giving up and looking up a phone number for the resort (and getting more stressed out by the minute). They tried to explain where they were located, and even then it took us a couple of tries to find it. Thankfully, we arrived a few minutes before the wedding started, and we didn’t miss anything.
I tend to go for fairly realistic looks in my photos, but I had some fun with a setting I developed (based off a Lightroom 3 preset) that I used in the photos in this post…
Logan’s First Hair Cut
Just when I thought that my boy couldn’t get any cuter, he went for his first hair cut (at a place called Beaners), and came back looking even more adorable! I can’t get over how fast he’s growing up – it seems like just a month ago he was still a little baby, but now he looks like a little boy. All those cliches about time passing so fast are quite true. I feel so very blessed to be able to work from home and get extra moments with my son throughout the day – something not very many dads get to do. My hope for 2010/2011 is that will be able to continue.