When I first saw this package, my brain read it as LORDS OF PECAN, so that’s what I’ve been calling it all week as I’ve been eating it. That, my friends, is an epic name for #icecream. Also, a #heavymetal band that bakes pies.

When I first saw this package, my brain read it as LORDS OF PECAN, so that's what I've been calling it all week as I've been eating it. That, my friends, is an epic name for #icecream. Also, a #heavymetal band that bakes pies.

Evolution of trackpad size. On the left, a 2015 Dell XPS 13. Right, a 2007 Dell XPS M1330.

Evolution of trackpad size. On the left, a 2015 Dell XPS 13. Right, a 2007 Dell XPS M1330.

This is what real #TexasBBQ looks like at #PecanLodge: deep-fried beef ribs. Thank you @johnstarky #Meatatarian

This is what real #TexasBBQ looks like  at #PecanLodge: deep-fried beef ribs. Thank you @johnstarky #Meatatarian

Spotted at #SEATAC. Makes sense given the number of pets I see flying. I wonder who gets the cleanup job?

Spotted at #SEATAC. Makes sense given the number of pets I see flying. I wonder who gets the cleanup job?

The biggest act of #willpower for me today is to not open this box until the end of my workday. #iMac

2015-11-23 14.30.57

Looking at this #Sweetwater music catalog made me smile ear to ear. I remember when I could legitimately call myself a #bassplayer. Ah, those were the days…

Looking at this #Sweetwater music catalog made me smile ear to ear. I remember when I could legitimately call myself a #bassplayer. Ah, those were the days...

The next #Lego set I want to see is a Lego store recreation, full of minifig kids asking for the big sets, and minifigs of the stunned parents looking at the price tags and asking themselves how plastic bricks can possibly cost that much. #meta

The next #Lego set I want to see is a Lego store recreation, full of minifig kids asking for the big sets, and minifigs of  the stunned parents looking at the price tags and asking themselves how plastic bricks can possibly cost that much. #meta
Posted by Instagrate to WordPress

What I’ll be staring at for the next four hours. #HandsandFeet #SMOC @nlchurch

What I'll be staring at for the next four hours. #HandsandFeet #SMOC @nlchurch

It’s curious to see a Blu-ray movie come in a red box. I guess they assume we’ve forgotten all about #HD-DVD by now…

It's curious to see a Blu-ray movie come in a red box. I guess they assume we've forgotten all about #HD-DVD by now...

Simplifying My Camera Life

It feels surprisingly liberating to go down to only three cameras: #NikonD750 (my multi-lens heavy hitter) #SonyRX100MarkIV (my 4K speed demon), and a #Panasonic #DMC-TS3 (waterproof vacation camera). The latter is a bit dated now, so I'll be replacing it in early 2016 before our next Mexico vacation.

It feels surprisingly liberating to go down to only three cameras: #NikonD750 (my multi-lens heavy hitter) #SonyRX100MarkIV (my 4K speed demon), and a #Panasonic #DMC-TS3 (waterproof vacation camera). The latter is a bit dated now, so I’ll be replacing it in early 2016 before our next Mexico vacation.