In July I went to see a band called Daring Greatly. My friend Chris was doing sound at the event, and he was able to secure a photo pass for me. I hadn’t heard of the band before, but leading up to the event I listened to quite a bit of their music and was impressed. Live, they’re excellent, and put on a great show; flawless musicianship, powerful vocals, and on-point harmonies. I might not be a musician any more, but I can still recognize excellence when I hear it. 👂
It had been years since I did a live concert photo shoot, but it’s something I’ve always enjoyed. And so I got to work with my then month-old Nikon Z6 III, shooting about 1600 shots (and quite a few 6K videos, which I chose not to edit). After culling the photos down to 105 shots… ⬇️
I’m proud of a few of these shots; the frame rate of the Z6 III is incredible and it allowed me to capture moments that might have otherwise slipped by. The low-light performance is excellent, and when coupled with Lightroom Classic’s AI noise reduction, high ISO shots can be made to look like low ISO shots (mostly).
I also stretched my photographer persona by taking some crowd shots; sometimes that can go sideways if someone objects to having their picture taken. Obviously it helps having a badge around your next that shows you’re not just some random guy with a camera. 😜

(is that ⬆️ dude strong or what? 😯)