Here’s Why Dual Monitors Rock

I’m spending a rainy Sunday afternoon working on an article covering what’s new for Outlook Mobile in Windows Mobile 6, and I’ve never been so happy to have dual 24″ monitors. From left to right, I opened the following: an Excel spreadsheet with the article assignment and basic overview, a Word document with the article itself, another Word document that’s a 91 page reviewers guide to Windows Mobile 6 so I can make sure I don’t miss any of the new features, and lastly on the far right I have a PDF file that contains all of the copy conventions and trademarks – where to put the ® mark, etc. Being able to have all four of these documents open at the same time is simply awesome – it enables me to glance over and get the information I need, without having to take any file off my screen. If you do any sort of work that requires you to reference multiple files at once, a multi-monitor setup will give you a big boost in productivity.

Now if only these two monitors could get me to write faster…

Eating My Words: Never Tasty, But Necessary

I think self-awareness is probably one of the most critical human traits when it comes to personal growth and issues of integrity. It’s amazingly easy to think you’re right all the time – most people do, myself included – it’s much harder to look at yourself and admit that you might be wrong. Some people live their entire lives in self-denial. Self-awareness is something I strive very hard for, never trying to shield myself from the mistakes I make or parts of my persona that are ugly.

Take this morning for instance: I called Dell because I wanted to know what was going on with two of my orders. Dell has been doing their “Dell Day of Deals” event where they have computer hardware and accessories on for deep discounts, and I typically order at least a few things. Early in the deals (about a week ago) I ordered a set of two 5.2 Ghz cordless phones for the house, because our older phones were only lasting 15 minutes on a charge, and I ordered a stand-alone Asus GPS unit because I’ve always wanted a small GPS I could leave in my car and not have to worry about the hassle of configuring and using a Bluetooth GPS.

This week, there were two things I ordered: a black hard-shell MP3 player carrying case (two of them in fact) and two universal travel adaptors from Belkin. At the end of the ordering process I printed out my receipt. Strangely enough though, I never received the usual email messages from Dell with the order number and whatnot. Print-outs in hand, today I called Dell, and wasn’t surprised by what I was told: without an order number, the customer service agent couldn’t do much of anything for me. I explained patiently that I never received the order number email, but I had my receipts showing the time and date I placed the order. They transferred me to Dell online sales, which I immediately cringed at.

Dell online sales, in case you haven’t already heard, is based out of India. In my experience with dealing with the salespeople there, I’ve found them to be fairly pushy, rude (they talk over you), and quite frustrating to deal with. It’s not a language issues (usually their English is quite good), it’s a cultural or perhaps even sales training issue. One of the worst things they’ve done to me over and over is when I’m talking to them and I finish my sentence, they don’t respond – it’s just silence. Today was no different – I spoke to a salesperson and explained the situation. He explained that they had no record of the sales I was talking about, and that perhaps my orders were never placed because I forgot to click on the SUBMIT button. “That’s completely ridiculous,” I said, “I’m not some kind of idiot that would forget to click on the final button to place my order – besides, I have a receipt with the order date and time!”. He explained that it was possible to print out the receipt without actually clicking the SUBMIT button – I said that was a ridiculous system, one where a customer could print out a receipt without actually ordering the product, and that maybe there was a chance that’s what confused me. We argued back and forth for a bit, but when I asked if he could place my orders again for me, he flat-out said no because the sales promotion was over.

At this point I was getting frustrated – I told him that I thought it was ridiculous that he wouldn’t even consider the possibility that perhaps there was a problem with the online ordering system and it was insulting to me as a customer that he was placing the blame on me. The call was finished and I hung up the phone, still fuming.  I went back to the site because I wanted to order a new Logitech keyboard (the Wave) that was $50 off. This time I paid very close attention to what I was doing – sure enough, after you enter in your credit card information, at the very final stage, there’s a “Print Receipt” link but down below that there’s a final SUBMIT button to click, or your order isn’t placed.

I can’t say for sure, but it’s certainly possible that I printed out the receipt, closed my browser window, and thought I had placed my order. I can think Dell’s system is idiotic all I want, but I’m the idiot that didn’t click the SUBMIT button one last time…and I have to own that. So, Mr. Dell Salesperson, looks like you were right – it was customer error. Mea culpa.

Michael Bay Needs AdSense Money?


I’m not much of a movie snob – if a movie entertains me, makes me think, or changes my perceptions about something, then it did its job. So while others may stick their nose up at Michael Bay movies for being too Pro-American/cheesy/explosive/whatever, I don’t mind them at all. Armageddon was entertaining, and Transformers was very cool (not perfect, but very cool). All that’s to say that I hold no malice toward Michael Bay in the way that some do…until today.

Today I went to his personal Web site and saw an AdSense ad. An AdSense ad on the personal blog of a guy who’s net worth has got to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. I tried to find some information on how much money he makes, but all I found was that he cut his salary by 30% to keep Transformers a “Shot in the USA” flick.

Why in the name of Optimus Prime would a guy like Micheal Bay need with what would surely amount to pocket change from a single AdSense ad?

I think it’s fair to make money doing what you do for a career – Micheal makes movies, and he earns money for that. I run Thoughts Media, so there are ads on my Web sites. This blog is a personal thing, for fun, so there are no ads.

Maybe I’m missing something and there’s a good reason for him having those AdSense ads, such as he’s donating the money to charity or Nelson the Webmaster gets it because Bay doesn’t pay him enough, but I don’t see any mention of that on the site. So unless there’s a good reason I don’t know about, Michael Bay having AdSense ads on his personal site smacks of the most pathetic greed imaginable and says a great deal about the character of the man.

What’s the Police Code for a Faulty Cheeseburger?


This has got to be one of the funniest 911 calls I’ve ever heard – apparently this is real and not a spoof (it certainly sounds real). I won’t ruin the fun but watch this video [Internet Explorer only, sorry] – I can’t figure out how the 911 operator could stop herself from laughing during the call. I’m sure she put it on speaker so the whole call centre could hear how ludicrous this woman was acting.

China and Darfur: A Dysnfunctional Connection


“The U.S. and the international community have sought to secure the cooperation of China to use its political, economic and diplomatic influence on the government of Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir to end the conflict in Darfur, which has resulted in the deaths of as many as 400,000 people and an estimated 2.5 million persons displaced to refugee camps. China’s relationship with Sudan includes close and comprehensive bilateral economic, political and military ties, as well as diplomatic support in multilateral institutions such as the United Nations.”

Sometimes you learn things that are just depressing – this is one of those things. I’m shocked and dismayed that China is attached at the hip with the people involved in the Darfur genocides. Some important people are trying to get them to stop, but ultimately it seems profit is their only motive. Lots more info about this here.

Preparing for Robbery the Japanese Way

Some things are simply too funny to explain – this video says it all.

I don’t know what’s funnier: that someone in Japan felt it prudent to encourage Japanese tourists visiting English-speaking countries to prepare to be robbed, or that they combined it with a work-out video.

Oh, and if you’re a parent toilet-training your child, the Japanese have a solution for you too!

Words Worth Remembering

“Prayer is the slender tendon that moves the muscle of omnipotence.”

– Martin Tupper, English Poet

Kudos to HP Live Chat Tech Support

Last November, almost a year ago, I was working on a laptop for a client and I had to re-format it because it was filled to the brim with digital cruft. Unfortunately, the client didn’t have the driver CD, so after restoring Windows XP I had to manually install each and every driver. That worked like a charm, except for the sound card. I figured I’d try HP’s chat tool to see if I could track down the driver. Here’s the transcript.


Sean [HP Tech]: Hello Jason. Welcome to HP Total Care for Presario Notebooks. My name is Sean. How may I assist you today?

Jason Dunn: Hi there! I have a very simple question. I have the 3055CA laptop and I had to re-install Windows, and I don’t have the driver CD or the restore CD…I have all the drivers off the download page except one – there’s no driver for the sound card anywhere!

Jason Dunn: …so I’m baffled as to where I’d find the sound driver because it’s not on the download page for this laptop.

Sean: Oh! I see. No need to worry, let me check how can I assist you with this.

Jason Dunn: Great, thanks.

Sean: You are welcome, Jason. May I know the processor installed in your notebook?

Jason Dunn: Intel 2.8 Ghz I believe…sorry 2.4….but intel, not the AMD model. It took a while for me to figure out which WILAN driver to install, it’s bizarre how this exact model of laptop had so many different parts 🙂

Sean: No need to worry, I will try my best.

Sean: Please try with this one and let me know what happens. Here is the link:

Jason Dunn: Ok, downloading now.

Sean: Are you chatting me with the same notebook?

Jason Dunn: No, different PC. Installing now.

Sean: Wait…

Jason Dunn: While it’s installing, any idea why that driver wouldn’t be listed on the driver page for that notebook?

Sean: After downloading the driver softpack, Save it on the desktop or in the Hard disk and after that double click on that to install.

Jason Dunn: Yup, it’s installing now…almost done. Requires reboot, rebooting…got the windows sound at reboot, so it works.

Jason Dunn: Thanks so much! I appreciate the fast help, and the no-hassle about the laptop being outside of the warranty window 😉

Sean: You are welcome. Are you completely satisfied with our chat session today?

Jason Dunn: Yes, absolutely, this was great!

Sean: Thank you. A copy of our chat session will be e-mailed to you shortly. You may also receive a chat survey. We would appreciate your feedback.


As you can tell, it was a quick, painless experience – I got exactly the driver I needed, and the tech didn’t bother to hassle me for the serial number or try to prove ownership. I had an HP notebook, I needed a driver, and he provided it for me. That’s the kind of tech support I love to see, so kudos to HP tech support for doing a great job. If only more tech support worked like this!

PostSecret Movie

The PostSecret project is fascinating on many levels: I read it regularly and can’t help but be emotionally moved by the things that people share. Some are shocking, most are depressing, a few are joyful. Most of all, however, they remind me we live in a broken, fallen world where many people live in fear and doubt, lacking hope. Sometimes it hurts, but it’s good to never forget that although your life may be rosy, the person living right next to you could be on the verge of giving up on everything. People need to be in relationship with each other, but even that won’t fill the God-shaped hole that each of our souls have (no matter how hard we many deny it).