(Q:) I'm having general connection problems!
(A:) There are several things to look into here, the first being the
software. Make sure you have the newest version of Activesync.
If you're running CE 1.0, look for HPC Explorer 1.1 here.
If you're trying to sync over USB, make sure you have the USB box checked off.
Read this tip
for more information. Also, if you're trying a USB sync through a hub, bypass
the hub and try to synch directly with the PC - I've noticed some strange
behaviour with my HP 545 trying to synch via a hub.
If you're synching via serial, make sure your PC and CE device are trying to communicate at the same speed.
Activesych's GET CONNECTED wizard will go out and sense the speed of your CE
device, then set the serial port speed on the PC to the appropriate speed.
Try a soft reset on the CE device, and if all else
fails, back up your data and pull out all the batteries on the CE device for a hard
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(Q:) When I try to restore my backup to my CE
device, it tells me something about an "incorrect version" or
something! HELP!
(A:) You must set the regional settings (country selection) of your CE
device back to that what it was at the time of the backup, including time zone, etc.
All settings much match!
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(Q:) Why won't CE Services work with Windows
NT 4.0?
(A:) Forget about CE Services! Install ActiveSync
- it doesn't require complicated RAS settings and works much better! If you have
to use CE Services, make sure you have admin rights.
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(Q:) I'm having trouble doing RAS synching
with my CE machine!
(A:) The single best repository of CE information is Chris de Herrera's FAQ
at http://www.cewindows.net
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(Q:) How can I use my CE devices and MS Proxy
at the same time?
(A:) What you need to do is create a file called LOCALLAT.TXT in the MSPCLNT
directory. The locallat.txt is a text file that had addresses that don't need to
be forwarded to the proxy server. Add the following line:
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(Q:) What port does CE Services talk on?
(A:) On NT4.0, the answer is: 5679. It should be the same on Win 9x. As for
Activesync, I think it's the same but can't confirm that.
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(Q:) What about VPN support on a CE device
for secure network connections?
(A:) There is no standard VPN support. You can do it with 3rd party software if
you install it on the server and the CE client. V-One
Corporation makes a product SmartPassCE.
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