Faith, Hope, Love


He sits in silence,
the wonder of the world
about him flooding
the canals of
his mind.

The awesome sight before him 
sets into motion 
contemplation of
a time gone by.

The countless heavenly bodies
hover above him
at heights unimaginable.

The vast expanse of wooded acreage
spreads out
before him like
a green blanket
covering the land.

The pure mountain stream
glittering peacefully beside him
as it flows
unhindered to levels
far below.

The tender call of a sparrow
to its mate
hidden in the trees around him,
which responds
in a voice of
unmatched grace.

His thoughts drift to 
the beginning,
the creation,
the initial existence.

Through intense meditation
he becomes aware
that a Maker
must exist.

Without that Maker
the innumerability,
the vastness,
the purity,
and the tenderness
would not be
the reality.

He becomes resolute
that the Maker
not only exists,
but also is
quintessential perfection.

The realization of 
his imperfection
causes overwhelming unease.

A question then surfaces
among the cluttered
thoughts in his
crowded mind.

He can not comprehended how
a being void of all impurity can
tolerate the blemishes
which spot his soul.

Yet why would
a Maker create
this beauty before
him without love.

And the love of
a perfect Maker
must be great
enough to
create a 
path of forgiveness.

The magnificent revelation
overtakes him
as conviction
fills his soul.

His simple prayer
saturates the still serenity which
envelopes him.

"Maker of the earth,
your creation
surrounds me.

In its beauty,
greatness, and wonder
I see your power,
your perfection,
and your love.

forgive me."

by Trilisa

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