We're going to skip back in time a bit here with some photos. We'll start with our jacuzzi tub, cause I'm really excited about it! Here's a photo of it. It's big, sits right under our block glass window, and has jets in it!
Next I'll show you what our loftiest dreams entailed in terms of sink taps. The main colours throughout our home are very soft, warm colours, and we've got black accents with towels and other small accessories. Well, we really wanted to try and integrate some black into our sink taps...until we found out the price! So, these onyx taps were our dream taps - very VERY nice looking hardware!
We decided after finding out the price of these taps that we'd rather go on a vacation than purchase onyx taps, and these are the ones we chose instead. We refer to them as the "Pokemon" taps, as that was the first thing Jason said when he saw them! They do, however, match our style very nicely, and the brushed chrome is the style of hardware we've chosen for all our handles, door knobs and hinges.
All in all, picking our hardware, appliances and other assorted fixtures has been an adventure. Albeit an expensive one, it's been a lot of fun! We can hardly wait to see the finished product. As Jason mentioned earlier, the flooring is schedule to go in early next week, which means we'll be borrowing my dad's ShopVac to spend next weekend vacuuming out our house to eliminate as much dust as possible. It's hard to believe it's almost time to move in! I was talking with a friend of mine earlier today who moved into a new home her and her husband built a couple of months ago. She said by this time in their building process, they wanted nothing more than to just be into their home, with no more delays, walk throughs, or waiting!
It'll be very rewarding to finally move in, and begin sorting out where we want things. Although knowing us, we'll want to put the furniture in and nothing else, to keep it looking as clean as possible! :-)
Building With Bay West Homes
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