So, after nearly three weeks of waiting for our concrete to be poured, we finally have a driveway!
Baywest neglected to submit the proper paperwork to Carma, the developer of Tuscany, to have our curb stop raised to the proper height, so on the day we were scheduled to get the concrete poured, we got a call from Baywest telling us it wouldn't be poured because Carma needed to come out and fix the curb stop. Nice, eh? Anyway, after two weeks of waiting, and not being able to park in our garage, Carma finally came out and raised the curb stop to the correct height, and another week after that, the concrete was poured.
The only bummer about it is that as of last Monday, when it was poured, we weren't allowed to drive up it to park in the garage for three weeks (which leaves us with two more weeks of waiting) and we weren't allowed to park on the actual driveway for 28 days (which leaves us with another three weeks of waiting). It's worth it though, to have concrete rather than eroding gravel! The other cool thing is that we're the first and only people on our street to get our driveway!
We're still not sure when the topsoil is coming, but we're not holding our breaths considering the house next door is still under construction and the owners aren't scheduled to move in until the early fall. We may have to wait until next spring to lay sod, so we're in for another dusty and muddy winter. Oh well, at least we have a driveway!
The lesson to be learned here: if you can't see your curb stop sticking up a little (it looks like a metal sprinkler), talk to your builder and have them contact the developer in the area to get it raised. It's better to have it done in advance than to have the delays that we encountered.
We'll post pictures of it soon.
Building With Bay West Homes
The journey of building a new house...